Jonathan Cordero - Association of Ramaytush Ohlone
Quirina Geary - Taimen Nation
Sharaya Souza - American Indian Cultural District

San Francisco is arguably America’s most progressive city, at the cutting edge of intersectional culture change for social and environmental good. City leaders, officials and local NGOs have made land acknowledgments, removed racist murals, established an American Indian Cultural District, and, hand-in-hand with Native leaders, formed partnerships to restore public lands. In this session, some leading figures in the Bay Area Native community will lead a frank discussion about how to revitalize cities through these kinds of “re-indigenization” efforts. Join us to learn about the unique issues that San Francisco’s urban Indian communities face through stories about successes and mistakes that have been made on the road to reconciliation. With: Jonathan Cordero, Association of Ramaytush Ohlone; Quirina Geary, Chairwoman of Tamien Nation; Sharaya Souza, San Francisco American Indian Cultural District. Moderated by Alexis Bunten.